National Geographic's Inside the Body Trade: Def a must watch, super interesting. People in poor countries selling their own organs for $ and foreigners traveling to China to get organs from prisoners that are exiled for this very reason, body snatchers digging up freshly buried bodies to sell body parts
The Medicated Child and also watched Generation RX: Everyone should watch this and know about the big pharmaceutical fraud in the US- now targeting children as young as 2 years old, misdiagnosed with such diseases like ADHD & Bipolar disease- put on prescription drugs which cause other symptoms which then one is diagnosed with another disorder and put on more drugs & the cycle goes on & on.. so sad...
omg i must watch~ looks so interesting! now if i can find me some time arrggg i could barely watch ONE tv show cuz of the rugrat W~ all i watch is sesame street ALLLL day long i have such a headache hahaha